Step into Confidence and Embrace Your Authentic Self in Just 4-Transformative Sessions

YES! Show Me How!

Are you tired of feeling like you're fading into the background? Does self-doubt creep in, leaving you wondering if you're truly worthy of the success and happiness you desire? You're not alone.


I understand the struggles you face. The internal battles with comparison, the constant questioning of your own abilities, and the overwhelming weight of self-doubt that clouds your true potential.


Life's twists and turns sometimes make us question our worth.

But here's the truth: you are worthy, just as you are.

Introducing the 1-Month Jumpstart: a one-month journey designed especially for you.

Led by me, Tameka ShaToya, a self-worth and life transformation coach who understands the struggles of self-doubt and the journey to self-worth.

This program is crafted to help you rediscover your brilliance, unshackle yourself from the chains of self-doubt, and step into the radiant worth that has always been within you.

Is the 1-Month Jumpstart for You?......

This program is for those who are ready to take a brave step towards self-discovery. It's for the quiet warriors who've been battling self-doubt, comparing themselves to others, and feeling like they're fading into the background. It is for those who are ready to rewrite their story. It's for the ones who know they're capable of more but are held back by the invisible walls of self-doubt.

The 1-Month Jumpstart is a lifeline for those who want to:

- Embrace their uniqueness and stop the comparison game.
- Break free from the grip of self-doubt that's been holding them back.
- Rediscover their strengths and confidently navigate life's challenges.
- Craft a mindset that radiates positivity and self-belief.


I am here to help you shatter those walls and guide you towards a life where self-belief, confidence, and authenticity are your guiding lights.

What You'll Experience:

Together, we'll uncover the motivations that drive you, unearth the beliefs that have held you back, celebrate your strengths, and cultivate a mindset that radiates positivity and self-worth.


Session 1: Uncover Your "Why"

In this soulful session, we'll dive deep into your motivations, your values, and the reasons behind your journey. Together, we'll lay the foundation for a future filled with authenticity and purpose.


Session 2: Rise Above Limiting Beliefs

Let's face those nagging doubts head-on. We'll unearth the limiting beliefs that have been dimming your light and work together to replace them with empowering truths.


Session 3: Embrace Your Unique Strengths

You possess qualities that are uniquely yours. We'll explore these strengths, crafting a roadmap to boost your confidence and infuse your life with purpose.


Session 4: Affirm Your True Worth

In this final session, we'll create affirmations that resonate with your authentic self. You'll leave armed with powerful tools to navigate life's challenges and setbacks with unwavering self-belief.

Your Investment in You:

This journey is an investment in reclaiming your worth and living life on your terms.
The 1-Month Jumpstart isn't just a program; it's a transformational experience that will leave you with a renewed sense of self and a toolbox of strategies for navigating life's twists and turns.

This is your invitation to step into your own brilliance, to embrace your authenticity, and to finally believe in your worth.
 This 1-month jumpstart is $300 for the month.

What you get:

- Private access to me via Voxer 5 days a week
- Weekly 1:1 Calls to do the deep work to truly get you to your transformation
- Access to all of the tools that you need to truly transform your mindset, thoughts, and set you up for success during our time together
- Access to a community of likeminded women who are there to support and encourage each other as well.

Ready to Step Into Your Radiance?

There's a seat waiting for you on this journey. The 1-Month Jumpstart program is designed to hold space for your journey, your struggles, and your growth. Are you ready to unveil your worth and stand strong in your authenticity?

Let's take this journey together and embark on a transformational experience that will leave you empowered, confident, and ready to embrace your radiant worth.

This program is designed with you as an individual as the most important factor. You aren't just getting some cookie-cutter plan. We work together to create a plan that focuses on your specific needs and I support you along the way. 


Because the ONLY way to get results and keep them is to be ready, willing and able to do the work !


 This program WILL transform your life.....

And I’ll show you exactly how to do it!

Meet Your Coach


I help women who struggle with confidence, show up empowered and transform their lives by realigning their faith, uncovering their worth, and overcoming their limiting beliefs. 

As a mom of two, after having kids, I began to feel less and less confident about my appearance. I never felt like I was worthy or valued. I quickly became last on my list of priorities and I began to fade into the background of my own life. I felt stuck, worthless and unlove. I tried tricking myself into believing that my weight was the thing holding me back only to quickly realize that no matter how much I was able to move the number on the scale, it didn't change the way that I viewed myself.

The work that I needed to do was internal and once I realized that, EVERYTHING changed. 

I get it! You are just about ready to give up, but don't.....

This program will provide you with the tools that you need to begin creating sustainable mindset shifts, spiritual realignment, and the necessary resources that will help you reach your goal!

Are you ready to experience your transformation and create the life that you are worthy of?